
The Wetherill School

1321 Beaumont Drive
Phone: (610) 649-2299Website: Visit Website Google Map

The Wetherill School offers a warm and secure first school experience that fosters independence and responsibility in each child. A strong, interdependent community feeling characterizes the relationships among the children and staff.

At Wetherill, we carefully consider the social, emotional, physical, and cognitive development of each child, and our projects and curricula are designed to support their growth and intellectual curiosity.

Children spend the morning in mixed-aged classrooms where teachers work with small groups as well as individual children. In the afternoon classes, children are divided into a four-year-old group and kindergarten groups. Three-year-old children leave school at noon.

While the school’s philosophy is rooted in the work of Maria Montessori, it also is informed by best practices of child-centered educational approaches. We invite you to visit us to see our students and teachers enjoying learning together.

Our preschool/kindergarten classes provide a nurturing, Montessori-based playful learning experience for children from ages 2 years 7 months through kindergarten age. All children are placed in one of three mixed-aged classes in the morning. Morning sessions are from 9 AM to noon.

Class Program for Three-Year-Olds:

  • Three Mornings 9:00-12:00: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday
  • Five Mornings 9:00-12:00: Monday through Friday

Class Program for Four-Year-Olds:

  • Five Mornings and Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday afternoons until 3 PM
  • Five Mornings and Five Afternoons 9:00-3:00

Class Program for Five-Year-Olds:

  • The Full-day Kindergarten: Monday through Friday 9:00-3:00
  • Five afternoons Monday through Friday 12:00-3:00

Kindergarten: We offer both a five full-day kindergarten program and a five afternoon kindergarten enrichment program from 12:00-3:00. Our full-day kindergarten class offers a mixed-age setting in the morning where the oldest children in the class become the role models and leaders of the group, reinforcing their own learning by helping the younger children. In the afternoon the full-day kindergarteners join with other children who arrive from the area public school kindergartens.

Class Program for Five-Year-Olds (Kindergarten):

  • Full-day Kindergarten: Monday through Friday 9:00-3:00
  • Five afternoons Monday through Friday 12:00-3:00